Our Products

Kombucha Products

Our Kombucha production vessels were developed several years ago after close collaboration with a well known Kombucha producer, and has proved to be very successful in their operations. The hot water system is the first stage of the process, which is then followed by our unique fermentation system which allows the brewer to actually raise the temperature of their ferment to ensure that optimum conditions for the Scooby are created every time.


With an ever growing client base here at Latimer Stainless, we are seeing our Stainless Steel Containers, Tanks and Vessels being used for many other uses in a wide variety of industries.

Our Industries

About Us

All of our experience as a family business working with stainless steel tanks has now passed the 10 year milestone, and we’re looking forward to the next 10 already!

About Us

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Call us today on 01536 645475 or email us at [email protected]

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